Published onAugust 10, 2022Dynamic micro frontends with Nx and ReactNxtutorialreactmicro-frontendsmodule-federationHow to create React micro frontend Dynamic Module Federation in Nx workspace.
Published onMay 23, 2022How to make Apollo studio work with authentication in next.js app on dev modenext.jstutorialreactauthapollographqlnext-authI'll show you how to enable authentication in next.js app to use shielded queries in Apollo studio in development mode.
Published onApril 2, 2022React 🦸 Hero component with video playback using Tailwind CSStailwindtutorialreactIn this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a simple React Hero component using Tailwind CSS.
Published onMarch 27, 2022Hi, I'm Taras Protchenko, I'm a Frontend developer.I make the world a better place by making quality software.